Archive | May, 2013

Summer Special Strawberry Lemon Popsicle

18 May

Its been 13 days now that I am back from my vacation and I haven’t had the time to sit and reflect on how wonderful it was. Our 10 day tour of France seems like it happened in some other lifetime. This blog has suffered a lot of neglect and I can’t help feel thoroughly guilty about it. I have so many pending posts and recipes to share that I have lost track. The other regret I have is not being able to visit and comment on my favourite blogs. I do skim through the new posts of all the blogs that I am subscribed to whenever I have a breather in between.  I hope this crazy, out-of-control phase of life quickly passes by and I get some time to do what I love to do which is to bake, cook and write.


 In between the madness surrounding my work life, I took some time out to do a summer special feature for a Bahrain Confidential – A monthly publication. As it is commonly known, the summers in the middle east can be quite taxing and it is only by keeping hydrated at all times, can I get through my day. Two of my summer special recipes of a popsicle – Strawberry Mint popsicle and a summer drink – watermelon, mint, rose cooler were published.


Popsicle are my favourite summer time treat when I am fed up of raw vegetable juices and ice teas and in  this post I share with you the recipe for Strawberry Lemon Popsicle   My  daughter was the one who enjoyed them more than others. She is really not a big fan of strawberries but with the Popsicle I have a convert.



I chopped pieces of strawberries into the popsicle  which gave it an interesting texture. It hardly took 10 times to put everything together and it took about 4-5 hours for it to set in the freezer. Hope you enjoy a fruity summer and I shall come back to share with you all the splendid details of my birthday in France.
